The most under appreciated love stone

Do you know what the most under appreciated love stone is?

I’ll give you a hint its not even pink or red but green! 🤯

Any guesses?!

It’s Emerald, which is the birthstone of May. 

For centuries, Emeralds have been revered for their striking green color, which is said to symbolize rebirth, growth, and renewal.

However, it’s much much deeper than this. 

The energies of Emerald reach deep into the Earth like a bottomless well straight into her heart.

This makes it a portal of limitless love. 

It's a deep rich love that fertilizes the rebirth, growth and renewal of spring. 

The love that Emerald allows us to access is so rich and deep that it might feel confining like putting on a turtleneck; 

it might even feel overwhelming at first.

As you plant the seeds of potential this spring season utilize Emerald during your intention setting and initiation to help ensure the best chance of successfully harvesting your manifestations and reaching your goals come fall.

If you're looking to harness the limitless love of Emerald there are a few different ways you can incorporate this powerful gemstone into your life. 

Some people choose to wear Emerald jewelry, such as a necklace or bracelet, in order to keep the stone close to their body. 

Others may choose to meditate with an Emerald, or place the stone on their altar or in their sacred space.

Ultimately, the potential to use Emerald is as rich and varied as the stone itself. 

You can’t possibly “do it wrong” so don’t overthink it— even printing a picture of it works!

Whether you're looking to connect with your inner self, deepen your love, or fertilize your manifestation dreams, Emerald is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals.

If you’re ready to dance deeper than flat dictionary like definitions of crystals join me for my monthly crystal call! XoM


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